September 2023 Newsletter

September 2023 Newsletter
Posted on 09/20/2023

Dear Rock Ridge Families,

Happy September! Although it feels like summer still, fall will be here shortly and cooler weather is around the corner. Please remember to have your students dressed appropriately.

In case you missed it, we had an amazing back to school BBQ last August with a huge turnout. Thank you, PTO, staff, and the community, for helping us kick off the year with a great social event.

Interested in volunteering? We would love to have you! If you are interested, please reach out to Mr. Dee for volunteer opportunities.

Some friendly reminders:

  • ●  Supervision at school starts at 8:20am. Do not drop your child off early due to safety concerns.

  • ●  In addition, students are not to be playing on the playground before or after school unless they

  • ●  are part of the BASE program where there is direct supervision. Thank you for your understanding.

  • ●  Messages for students need to be in the office by 3:00 pm each day.

  • ●  Leave messages on the attendance line for all tardies and absences.

  • ●  Stay in your vehicle when in the kiss-and-go in order to keep the line moving quickly.

  • ●  Don’t forget to say hello to Mr. Mosby with fist bumps, high fives and thumbs up!

    Thank you everyone again for all of your support. Our staff and I greatly appreciate you, our community.


    Mr. Mosby, Principal Rock Ridge Elementary

RRE Review September 2023 (1) (1).pdf