2021 Rock Ridge Run.pdf
Parent Instructions for mybooster.com 2021.pdf
We are so excited for our Rock Ridge Run this September. Please join us in thanking our corporate sponsors, CDI Environmental Contractor and George and Debbie Hager with Citywide Home Loans, for their participation in raising funds for our school.
Help us reach our $24,000 goal by aiming for $60 in pledges! If we are able to reach our goal Mr. Mosby will eat a cricket and the kids will LOVE that! All raised funds this year will be split 50/50 with the school. The school's 50% will go towards technology and the library. The PTO's 50% goes toward the year's operating budget. Our funds support the Teacher Classroom fund, grant requests, community events, and teacher support. Due to the PTO sponsorship of the Rock Ridge Run, we are able to keep 90% of the funds raised.
Our Run Day this year is on Friday, September 17, and we will need all hands on deck. If you would like to help out on that day, prize prep day, or anything in between please contact us at [email protected]. As always if you have any questions or concerns please always feel free to contact us at any time.
Before Run Day
Go to mybooster.com and use code 824-637 or look up Rock Ridge Elementary to create a page for your child. Use your child’s personal link when reaching out to family and friends through email, text, and social media to get sponsors. All pledges must be made through the mybooster.com site this year.
Rock Ridge Run Day
Friday September 17, 2021
All students should wear their Rock Ridge Run t-shirt, running shoes and have their water bottles. Students will run/walk as many laps as they can around a 1/16 mile track in 30 minutes with students averaging around 30 laps.
We encourage families to join us in cheering on our students! Students will run during their specials time.
Run Day Schedule:
2nd grade: 8:45 am - 9:25 am
6th Grade: 9:30 am - 10:10 am
5th Grade: 10:15 am - 10:55 am
4th Grade: 11:00 am - 11:40 am
3rd Grade: 12:30 pm - 1:10 pm
Kindie: 1:15 pm - 1:55 pm
First Grade: 2:00 pm - 2:40 pm
Individual Prizes
Registration: Rock Ridge Button
$1 per lap: Rock Ridge bracelet
$2 per lap: Rock Ridge Drawstring bag
$5 per lap: Choice of RRE Spirit Wear t-shirt
**Prizes are cumulative. Receive all prizes up to the total amount pledged**
Student with Highest Funds Raised -- Get to put pie in Mr. Lentz’s face
Class Prize -- Rocco The Eagle trophy to the top dollar class
School Prize -- If school reaches $24,000 Mr. Mosby will eat a cricket!
Wednesday Sep. 8: Rock Ridge Run Kickoff
Friday Sep. 17: Rock Ridge Run Day
Monday Sep. 27: Funds Due
Friday Oct. 1: Prize Day
If you have any questions please contact us at [email protected]