October SAC (10-16-2017)
In attendance: Peter Mosby, Stacey Chamaty, Jen Virdin, Jacob Clay, Collin Cacchione,
John Carroll, Ashli Maldonado
Positions for chairperson, co-chair, RRE Staff, PTO rep and recorder filled as follows:
Chairperson: Stacey Chamaty (VM) (Filled 17-18)
Co-chair: Jen Virdin (VM) (Filled 17-18)
DAC liaison: Stacey Chamaty (VM) (Filled 16-17)
RRE Staff: Jacob Clay (VM) (Filled 17-18)
Parent: Collin Cacchione (VM) (Filled 17-18)
Parent: Jen Johnson (VM) (Filled 17-18)
RRE Staff: Janet Bortot (VM) (Filled 17-18)
PTO: Ashli Maldonado (VM) (Filled 17-18)
Principal: Peter Mosby (VM)
Community Member: John Carroll (VM)
Jacob Clay – National Bike/Walk to school was a success. CRPD helped out and
handed out free stuff. The 6th grade outdoor ED has concluded.
DAC special budget meeting was held on September 27 @ Cimarron MS. 3
presentations by Erin Cain.
- District has no money for new schools or repairs.
- Looking to put up a bond.
- Mill/Levy override to pay teachers
- Funds needed for schools in district: 29 mil for elementary, 53 mil for middle
school and 105 mil for high school, DCHS has 6.1 mil in tier 1 needs
Having complaints from community about school district not doing enough about
drugs. CRPD comes in for 6th grade to talk about drugs and stranger danger program.
Milestone Academy has violated its charter agreement. They have been served a
cease and desist order.
Survey Questionnaire:
- Building needs: have been meeting needs as they come. Concern is about future
needs due to building being old.
- Tech – the Run for Rock Ridge raised money that will go to the PTO and to tech.
The laptops are being rotated; desktops are being replaced w/ laptops/chrome
books. Apples are being used for higher end project needs.
- Safety: need more and better video cameras; current ones have poor image
- Mental health: mental health is good. Increased allocation, psychologist and a
social worker
- Questionnaire item ranks: 1 – staff/teacher compensation, 2- SBB, 3 – Safety, 4 –
Tech, 5 – Capital infrastructure, 6 – Mental health, 7 – Transportation.