Rock Ridge Elementary
SAC Minutes
August 26, 2014
In attendance: Peter Mosby, Susie Eilers, Mike Carver, Lynette Otero, Michelle Grider, Shannon DiCamillo, Christie Earnest, Melinda Thompson, JoAnn Byrne, Carl Anderson, Louise Costello
SAC Responsibilities:
Peter read and discussed SAC responsibilities as found on the district website to explain what SAC is to the interested parents so we can be knowledgeable about the committee. These responsibilities are as follows: Reviewing the Unified Improvement Plan, reviewing school budget priorities, topical discussions including safety and community concerns, community feedback, advice on accreditation plan, reviewing annual report, principal evaluations, and other assigned duties. He also discussed the duties that SAC does not include like issues dealing with specific students, staff or parents.
All future meeting dates are on the calendar on the school website, but will occur on the last Tuesday of every month except in November and December. The minutes from each meeting will be posted on the website as well as member information. The SAC chair and DAC liaison will post contact information on the website.
We spent a few minutes introducing ourselves and discussing our previous experience with SAC and with Rock Ridge.
We will have an election to select voting members at our next meeting in September. Interested parents should send a brief paragraph to Peter’s email expressing interest in being a voting member. He will post them on the website and send an email to parents inviting them to come to the next meeting to vote. We need 2 new voting members this year. Susie Eilers and Michelle Grider have one more year on their voting member terms so they will fill two parent representative spots. Louise Costello will be our community member. Shannon DiCamillo and Christie Earnest will share the teacher representative spot. Once all voting members are selected, we will assign positions of chairperson, vice chairperson, recorder and DAC liaison.
We discussed past responsibilities of SAC including after school enrichment, safety issues, and creating positive communication with our community. Mike Carver presented three vinyl signs with our new logo and RRE statements like “we love Rock Ridge” to hang in various spots around the school. Peter will present them to the environment committee to decide where to place them around the school.
Next Meeting:
Tuesday, September 30, at 3:45 in the library. [Moved to October 2, 2014]
Agenda items:
- elections,
- officer selection,
- principal report