Message from the President
Hi Rock Ridge!! I am so excited about such a successful
start to the school year. The 30th Birthday Bash, brand
new Boo Hoo Breakfast, Rock Ridge Run, and all things
PTO have just gone so well. We have had more help
than ever and have met so many wonderful new
parents! Thank you to each of you who have been so
willing to step in and support your children and the
school.The 3rd Annual Rock Ridge Run was our most
successful yet! We had more volunteers, more fun AND
raised more money! This year we brought in
$30,456.80, which is over $2,000 more from last year.
As always this would not be possible without you, and
all the amazing support from our Rock Ridge
community. Through splitting these funds with the
school, grants, and the classroom fund the PTO has put
$22,213.06 BACK into the school! We have so
many upcoming events throughout the holiday season
and we are always looking for help. There is a job for
EVERYONE and we will train you so please don't let that
stop you. As always reach out if you have any questions
or feel free to catch me after school sometime. We are
always on the lookout for new creative ideas!
Next PTO Meeting
Please join us for our next PTO meeting on Tuesday,
November 12th at 6 pm in the library. We will have a
report on the Monster Mash, and will also be discussing
upcoming events! Childcare is FREE so don't let that stop
you from coming! As always, if you can't join us in
person, you can find a live stream of the meeting on our
Facebook page.