Mr. Cox
My name is Keith Cox. I
am super excited to continue my teaching career with you this year!
Rock Ridge is a very special place and I feel privileged to teach here. I
attended Rock Ridge as a student and did my student-teaching here as
well. This school has certainly played a large role in my life. My
passion for learning started here and that's something that I hope to
instill in my students!
Contact Information:
Please email me at [email protected] with any questions, comments, or
concerns. If you have an urgent message, please call the school at
Curriculum Overview:
This year we will learn so much! Some of what we're learning this year includes:
- reading instruction
- phonics instruction
- writing instruction
- addition
- subtraction
- time
- money
- place value
- graphing
- beginning geometry
- fairytales
- health
- resolving conflict
- plants
- communities
Classroom Expectations:
Students are expected to attend school daily, work hard, and show respect to their classmates, teachers, and school.
Important Dates:
Please see the Calendar on the Rock Ridge homepage.