2015-2016 October SAC Minutes

October Meeting 9/30/15


Correction: projection was 577 not 570
Enrollment is at 594

BLT - works with the district to focus on three areas

  1. alignment of planners

  2. communication with all stakeholders

  3. climate/safety

We had a lockdown practice with the district that was very thorough.
Climate - continue with FoRR and continue to support current climate

Open enrollment is closed for all grades. At capacity for 6th, 5th and 3rd. A new open enrollment change, proposal before the board.

Lucy Calkins - Supportive writing resource. Decided by teachers that Lucy Calkins was the way to go. Materials were purchased for all grade levels. Training was provided last Friday on our professional learning day. Looking at feedback it appears to be supportive.

Starting in December SAC will align with FoRR meetings. 2nd Tuesday of the month. FoRR meets at 6:00.

Community member - she did two, two year terms and cannot do it any longer

We need a community member to be our 7th voting member which includes Peter Mosby.

Stacey Chamaty volunteered to be DAC member

What was the parents main focus or concern. Last year it was a change of calendar.
What we would like to do is come up with a poll with parent input and concerns.

One concern is the yellow flag dismissal. The RRE app has alleviated some of those concerns and problems. We also have access to another local weather station. We will not put a weather station and use money from the Fund Run towards tech.

$16,000 from the Fund-Run. FoRR will receive 25% of it.
Possible change for 5th grade to earn money for Overnight in January and February. 5th grade outdoor education April and May for their 6th grade Outdoor Ed.

Outdoor Education - There is not any reason why students cannot go. There are funds that are available.

UIP - possibly address that next time. We have to wait until numbers come back from the state in November. As of right now we do not have direction from district.

Questions - for parents and stakeholders. Shannon will create a google doc where everyone will log questions for stakeholders.

2 minute open- mike extended: no response