Rock Ridge Elementary
School Accountability Committee Minutes
April 12, 2016
FoRR - (Michelle)
- 5K fundraiser May 1st - 1:00
- Teacher Appreciation May 2nd-6th
- Budget will be presented for approval in May and posted a week prior.
- April 19th Ice Cream Social
- Potluck raised $1200 - possible suggestion of making smaller baskets to keep it cheaper.
Suggestion of shorter time.
DAC- information not available
Administration -
- book room is organized and cleaned out for organization
- resource needs to Pam for book room
- Brittany Shiner - new volunteer coordinator
- Tim Alcock - new Art teacher for next year
- posted position for music
- Brekke Jacobson resignation - moving for spouse’s job change
- posting for 2nd, 5th and 3rd
- rollover budget of $50,000 is still a strong possibility
- Teacher requests - send requests to Peter
- class lists released to teachers on Friday the 29th of July
- Back to School BBQ meet and greet August 4th
- Eagle project - arbor
- CMAS and PARCC testing this week and next