The Rock Ridge Run has officially begun!! Please register your child TODAY on the website so your student can begin to find sponsors for pledges. The Run will take place for Cohort A on Wednesday, Sept 23, and Cohort B on Thursday, Sept 24. Our online e-learner friends will have their Run Day on Thursday, Sept 24. Due to PTO Sponsorship of the ROCK RIDGE RUN 90% of all pledges will be coming right back to OUR SCHOOL. The funds will go towards technology in the classrooms and at home, and the PTO yearly budget.
This will be an ALL Student Health and Wellness activity during school hours that will encourage school spirit, and will be run by our amazing PE Teacher, Mr. Lentz. Find as many pledges as you can before and after the Run! Pledges will all be paid out through FUNRUN.COM so much less work for you!!