Please refer to this page as much as possible to see which assignment's your child has for our online learning the next few weeks.
Week of March 23-27:
-Students are expected to work on their packets I sent home the week before Spring Break (in their Take Home has a yellow page on the front)
-Do one writing prompt a day
-Do one math lesson a day (about 3 pages)
-Do one iReady Reading lesson a day
-Do one iReady Math lesson a day
**Students iReady login information was written on the front of their yellow packet. If you lost this please let me know and I will send you their login information
If students want to complete additional work they may access:
1. iReady link- Please do at least one reading and one math lesson daily
2. Epic link- Follow link, click "login" top right corner, enter class code: WYD4221, and then your child will select THEIR OWN name...nobody else's in the class please... I can see if they try logging onto their friends account and I will say something if they do
3.GoNoodle link- We do this to get our wiggles out, the kids enjoy it, parents can sign their family up for free
4. PebbleGo link, the username AND password are: rre123
Students have Spanish for Specials this week. Please see my email for their Spanish assignments or click on Senora Connley's page on our website and see "First Grade Assignments"